Prayility Apparel

We are a platform for anyone ready to seek the Lord for their next move in life. Are you feeling unfulfilled? Do you long for something else but don't know exactly what that "something" is? 

We are here to sound the alarm on having a personal relationship with Christ so that you can fulfill your God given purpose. There's so much in you that you have yet to tap into and it's our passionate desire to support you on your journey.

Our CEO, went from being a stay-at-home mother to a homeless widow. From there she obtained her CDLs and drove buses, from buses to a business owner. God wants to transform your life as well. Daily conversations with Jesus will empower you to do things you'd never thought about doing.

We hope to inspire you to go be great! 

Our mission is to provide excellent customer service, promote quality products that you absolutely love and help you feel confident wearing your faith.

As we encourage our customers to cultivate their relationship with Christ we believe that no matter what they encounter in life, Jesus is always there. Make the choice and stay connected to our Father!

We hope that you find something that resonates with you and that you join us on our social media platforms in our mission to push the urgency of prayer. Experience having your own personal relationship with Christ and go fulfill your purpose. See yourself the way God sees you. There is so much treasure in those earthen vessels! It's your time to shine!


"I am so excited about your future! My prayer is that Jesus moves mightily through each and EVERY one of you. I always felt like I never did "fit" in.

I connected myself to the wrong people but God intervened and brought me out. Whatever your dreams are I urge you to be patient. Build and Believe!

Stay connected to the Father. He hears you, doors will open! Be prepared to walk through them."

God bless you!